Currently under development, was aimed for a 2009 release, but now release date is possibly late 2011.

The FIRSt staff and student researchers will be responsible for developing 12 lunch recipes that meet the PPM150 requirements, are simple to reproduce and taste delicious. The Ontario School Food and Beverage Policy (PPM150), issued on October 4, 2010, has set strict standards for food served in schools, which have improved nutritional standards, but have made it difficult for school cafeterias to compete with external vendors.In order to execute the pilot program at Lakeshore Collegiate Institute, HL² will require assistance with developing the recipes. This Initiative seeks to enhance the relationship between TDSB students and the cafeteria food system that nourishes them.

Healthy Living, Healthy Learning (HL²) is a pilot program initiated by CUPE 4400 members and involves faculty, CUPE cafeteria staff and students from 2 different high schools, Thistletown and Lakeshore Collegiate Institutes. George Brown College’s Food Innovation and Research Studio (FIRSt) is collaborating with the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE 4400) on a recipe development project that will provide content for a pilot program being executed through the Toronto District School Board’s (TDSB) high schools.