Black and white 2 cheat engine
Black and white 2 cheat engine

black and white 2 cheat engine

This was implemented because people (including myself) would accidentally leave the cheat active until the point of game crash. As it states, it will disable Baby Factory after the specified time. = This feature is found right under the Baby-Factory cheat.

black and white 2 cheat engine

Now properly named 'Gimme 1.7 Billion Tribute!' Updated the 'Gimme 1.7 Million Tribute!' button. Also fixed an endless loop of message boxes that some people Fixed some issues pertaining to process detection and attachment. = The 'fix' was to replace about 24 lines of code, with 4 lines of code ) The simplest answer is always the best, eh? = enough of the code to make it function right, I finally found I just simply wasn't going deep enough, to the root of it all. I fixed the Ignore Influence Boundries hack! Where before I thought I wasn't capturing This is one I know you folks will enjoy. Sound feedback on all 3 'Disable' buttons (For disabling cheats, stat locks or both). = This feature only functions with the actual cheats, but not with the stat/slider bars just yet (if ever).

black and white 2 cheat engine

'Enable Voice' feature, which uses Microsoft SAPI to give the user feedback as to which cheats they are enabling/disabling. In short: All trainer functions should work as specified. This is the *only* feature that was not properly translated from the previous version. 'Use Wonders Without Charge' is now functional once more. Meaning: The game is running, but the trainer is not connected. Some people experienced an issue where the trainer would say 'White.exe in memory. *Note* - CreatureMorph(tm) does not have any hot-keys coded yet.

black and white 2 cheat engine

You may also Alt+Tab out to the trainer and directly modify things there. Once in-game, you may use the hot-keys to control the trainer while in game. At the main menu: Continue or Load a game Click the 'Play Black & White 2' button. (This is no longer a requirement post v0.5) This trainer now fully (and only) supports both the US and Euro/Other versions of Black & White 2 v1.2 Black and White 2 v1.2 English/US - Trainer v1.2.0.1

Black and white 2 cheat engine