Glass Cannon - You start every combat round with Maximum AP, but Magic and Physical Armour do not protect you from statuses. Five Star Diner - Doubles the effects of foods. Far Out Man - Increases the range of spells and scroll by 2m. Warfare 1) - Gain 2 AP after dealing a killing blow. Escapist - Allows you to flee combat even when enemies are right next to you. Elemental Ranger (Huntsman Only) - Arrows will deal bonus elemental damage depending on the surface the target is standing in. Elemental Affinity - Lowers the Action Point cost of spells by 1 when standing in a surface of the same element. Duck Duck Goose (Huntsman Only) - Lets you evade attacks of opportunity. Max fire resistance also increases by 10. Demon - Gain 15% fire resistance and 15% water weakness. If you die and are resurrected in combat, Comeback Kid will be available again. Comeback Kid - Once per combat, if an enemy lands a fatal blow, Comeback Kid will help you bounce back to life with 20% health.
Lvl2) - Immediately grants 2 extra attribute points.
Arrow Recovery - Grants a 33% chance to recover a special arrow after firing it. Ambidextrous - Reduces the cost of using grenades and scrolls by 1AP if your offhand is free. Lvl2) - Grants 1 additional Combat Ability Point and 1 extra Civil Ability Point.