Of all the mods, this one looks the roughest around the edges. I’ve owned Arma 3 for years, but never even thought to look for a Warhammer 40k mod. I’m posting Haxo Ironwolf’s collection link below with all the mods, there are too many to list here. It’s worth it though, because WOW are those models beautiful! I could sit there just customizing different Space Marines all day and be happy. There are even Imperial Guard and Adeptus Sororitas! This is probably one of the better Warhammer 40k mod options out there, but you will likely need the Will of the Chosen DLC for most of the mods. Name, armor, different customization including purity seals and so on. The level of detail and options is incredible! You can edit EVERYTHING. While I haven’t played XCOM 2, I have watched Haxo Ironwolf streaming it while using this set of mods at length. The Terminators mod is alright, but the arms on the models look a little weird to me. The Space Marines mod is great, and there is a 40k weapons mod too. If you’re broke, or have broke friends, it’s still a decent option. This mod is basically a really lite coat of paint. The downscale mod I recommend to bring the models size into scale. These are the only mods with high enough quality ships. In addition to the Imperium, Chaos and Necrons are also available. While not as immersive as the above total conversion mod, you can get a full Warhammer 40k experience. If you’re looking for something a little more casual, this collection of mods is perfect. Down to the loading screens and music! This is your Ultimate warhammer 40,000 experience. It is probably the most immersive experience for the 40k universe. The first is only for experts, as there is a MASSIVE amount of things going on in this mod from turn 1. There are two ways I recommend playing Stellaris with Warhammer 40k mods.

Without them, none of this would be possible. Don’t forget to thank your Steam workshop community modmakers too. I’m going to go over the most promising mods I have seen, and a few that look interesting that I haven’t gotten to. Mods can turn your favorite game into grimdark masterpiece. Maybe you’ve dabbled in another universe and thought, “This would make an AWESOME Warhammer game.” To you, I would say one word: MODS. BUT, what is a gamer that has played all the Warhammer games to do? If you’re already a loyal follower of the Emperor/Sigmar, you’re likely eager to focus your purging efforts elsewhere. It’s that time of year again! That magical time of year when Black Friday sales meet the Warhammer Holidays, offering the perfect time to pick up some new Warhammer games to play during the aforementioned Warhammer Holiday.